Thursday 4 June 2009

Be Proud!

Be very proud! I guess we can be, after all, the EuroPride 09 is taking place in Zurich! We've come a long way towards acception, yet we are not quite there! A lot needs to be done still. And I hope that in the future I also can do my part for the community!

But for now, I wish you all a happy Pride!

To a better future!

Many kisses

Violet Fierce

Monday 1 June 2009

"You'll get over it..."

Of course. Of course you'll get over it, or rather over him. That's not the point at all. The point is...: When. When will it be the case that you stop thinking of and about him every time you hear practically any song on your iPod?

When can you look at a happy couple again and not think "That's what we could have been." ?

When will the ache go away, the longing, the overwhelming feelings?

When do you stop imagining things that you could have done together, the fun, the laughter that you might have shared?

You'll get over it eventually... if only you were there already

Kisses to all heart-achies
