Tuesday 20 October 2009

Listen to your... mind?

Yes, seriously, do it! I know, it is a common thing to say: Listen to your heart, let your emotions guide you, and so on. But, honestly: I think it's not always the case.
Imagine the following situation: There's something that bothers you, something that hurts you for a long time, and you repeat it in your head, over and over and over and over and over and over and....getting quite tiresome, isn't it? And you cannot seem to let it all go, you just are not able to let your feelings come to a rest, nor yourself.

The only one who seems to be making some sense is your mind that tells you to just "Effing let it go already!!!". And yes, at some point, you should just listen to it, for a change! What is the use of chewing all the old stuff over and over again? Despite all the "But it still isn't fair that" and whatnot, if it helps you lead a normal life again it's worth it!



Friday 7 August 2009


Aren't they great? All of a sudden you realize something that might actually have been so painfully obvious...and you're better! You just feel better! It's as simple as that! He has been in a relationship, they broke up, you met him, he wasn't ready, you gave a lot of time and energy, yet it did not work out, but hey, so what? Life goes on! And one has to live one's own, not the "possible ours", leave out the "ifs" and "buts" and take in the "nows" and "Do-its".

Yours truly,


Thursday 30 July 2009

Miles Away

Little Boots sings in her song "Mathematics" that nothing can "divide a heart + a heart"... is the same true for the equation

X times physical distance= X times emotional distance


It is. And it is not. Crappy conclusion... (my speciality, BTW) You miss your family, you miss your friends. At times, cause there are other times when you just enjoy being in a different place (even time).
But apart from friends and family, it really does help you concerning other matters...all right, well, you know, of the heart, that stuff, and all, yeah whatever...you know, I do not care about it! Right now, I just don't!
I MUSTN'T! I am in America, for Obama's sake!

Sometimes you just HAVE to let go, in order to NOT miss the life you are living.

Okay, not much sense in that post, but I needed to get it off my chest!

Love and greetings from San Diego!


Saturday 18 July 2009

Bad timing?

Why is it that you fall in love with someone who does love you back, but cannot fully because he's not ready? Is this bad timing? Definitely.

Why is it that men are all over you and wanting to meet you and get to know you better... when you yourself are not ready, but they're nowehere around when you think: "Yes, future boyfriend, here I come!" ? Bad timing? For shizzle.

While in the first case calling it bad timing is merely an euphemism for "MY FUCKING HEART IS BROKEN", it might be rather something universal in the second one. Don't we always desire that what we cannot have and when we could have we don't want it? There might be some truth to that. All right, maybe a lot of truth. But sometimes we can't even see whether we would have come to the conclusion "Now, I get it, don't want it anymore", because things start to break apart before. We're still stuck in the "I want it" phase... and then, what do you then? You're stuck on repeat? For some time maybe. In the end, who knows?



Thursday 4 June 2009

Be Proud!

Be very proud! I guess we can be, after all, the EuroPride 09 is taking place in Zurich! We've come a long way towards acception, yet we are not quite there! A lot needs to be done still. And I hope that in the future I also can do my part for the community!

But for now, I wish you all a happy Pride!

To a better future!

Many kisses

Violet Fierce

Monday 1 June 2009

"You'll get over it..."

Of course. Of course you'll get over it, or rather over him. That's not the point at all. The point is...: When. When will it be the case that you stop thinking of and about him every time you hear practically any song on your iPod?

When can you look at a happy couple again and not think "That's what we could have been." ?

When will the ache go away, the longing, the overwhelming feelings?

When do you stop imagining things that you could have done together, the fun, the laughter that you might have shared?

You'll get over it eventually... if only you were there already

Kisses to all heart-achies


Monday 25 May 2009


is a tricky thing... some regard it as a noble quality that shows ambition, some just see it as a synonym for stubborness.

Ambitious and stubborn...not necessarily a bad thing. After all, you stand in for something you want, you desire, you try hard to achieve it. Not letting it go is all you think about.

Obsessive? Maybe a little... but I learnt from a good friend that obsession is not the apocalypse itself. So why worry about something that seems to be for a good cause? Because in the end you could get disappointed? That you strived for is not what you imagined it to be? Or you fail and do not achieve it?

Everything is possible...but if you haven't tried, won't you be asking yourself whether you might have missed something?



Saturday 16 May 2009

Happy Me(al)

Yes, I'm happy...after so many weeks of what could be descibed as some sort of obsession, I feel freer, a certain independence and it feels good. It really does and I needed it!

Although there are exams waiting for me and my love life still is unclear, I feel great, not sulky and heart-broken, it is finally over.

Now what stays is the hope for something more, and that is something I won't be giving up so fast ;)

All the best and enjoy the nice weather!


Monday 27 April 2009


is such a silly thing sometimes...But at times you can't help but use it!
Be it to protect yourself or to demonstrate something to others...because you cannot always be patient and forgiving. And as much as it may hurt...this stubbornness might change a lot of things, positively or negatively...things could get clearer (for a change).

I know, I may speak in riddles to some...great talent of mine :)

Anyways, have a good night, everybody!


Sunday 26 April 2009


A whole day I spend with my sister, so much fun, shopping, eating and watching TV, and I handled *it* so well, then just something absurdly silly happens, a trifle, a cinch, and I get all worked up again!!


Thursday 23 April 2009


am I letting myself getting into this all the time?

am I constantly discussing something with someone I know will not get my point and I'll be the one that is left upset?

can't I just let it go without having to discuss it to the ground, every doubt wiped away?

Because I'm me...I'm so annoying!!! :D

The start of something new

I'm not going to sing any HSM Musical songs now, do not worry.
It's how I would like to welcome you (although *you* does not exist yet ;) to my blog!

Frankly, I do not have the slightiest idea why I opened a blog! Since my wrighting is not always appreciated at university, I actually see no sense in opening a blog. However it might help to improve said terrible writing skills of mine. And it is nice to express one's thoughts – if you have any that is! I constantly try to avoid having thoughts...not working, it's getting worse. :D

So anywhooo, I'll try to keep this thingie going...let's see what might become of it. I hope you'll stay tuned, dear reader. (I mean literally reader, singular!)

